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Monday, March 30, 2009 Y 2:11 AM

happy2nddmonthhhhhhh :D !

hehs , aft sch , bbaby come fetchh me .
lols . thn pei me home .
hmmms . aft tht meet boy they al at shanjie house ther .
aft tht ie go home change first .
thn ok le . go 505 find them
hahas .
hmms . thn baby bring me go eat ajisennnnnnnnnn =D !

thn aft tht eat finish le .
go walkwalk a tm thn go cs find boy they all .
aft tht go slack.
thn ie sudenly go form play badminton :D .
hehs .

thn bbaby pei me play from 8.30 to 10.30 manx.
hmms , thn sj and boy go find us slackk (: .
hahas .
slack till mama come backk :D !
hmms .

happy2nddmonthh ((:

Saturday, March 28, 2009 Y 5:45 AM

hooos .
today actually going ktv de .
thn in th end dun have.
thn baby plan going bugis walkwalk :D.
hahas .
tot boy following us . in th end dun hab ==" .
hahas .

thn me and baby at cs eat omelette rice :D .
kek .
thn baby go smoke . tio caught by security .
fuck tht dog ! zz
hhas .

thn go cs walkwalk awhile .
jiu tak train go bugis.

hmms thn we go street walk .
bought 1 shirt and bbaby brought me watch (:.
couple watch :D .
hahas .

thn we go th new mall .
ee nth to walk de :X .
dots :X .

hmms thn we go buy tako eat :D .
thn buy icecream .
dots :D .
hahas .

hmms thn we go bhg .
actually baby wan buy th billabong slipper fer me de .
but ie sae share (: .
hehes .
thn we kup ! :D
finally get my billabong slipper !
babys ~ ie love you :D .
muackkkkkks .
:3 (: .

thn take 12 go back ttam .
omfg .. longlongggggggg way .
but fun ! :D :D .
love dardar :D .

hmms. aft tht meet boy at sp .
dot , suprisingly saw jeff laopo .
hehs .
thn slackslack till 7+ go baby hse mummum(: .
woots. nice :D .
hmms .

byeeeeeeeee !
baby thks , ily :D.
mucks !

tkkcareeeeeeeeeeees :D

Friday, March 27, 2009 Y 5:35 AM

hahahas . today poa fun :D ! .
jy ahkor finally back to sch manz -.-"
hahas .
thn got some bitches no fren find fren =="
ask guy to wait fer her ==" !
hhaas .
dun give a damn uh :XX .

thn aft sch baby and zhongsan go damai outside wait me :D .
thn we tak bus go bck , meet joyce.
thn pei me home.
they wait me dwnstair .
actually got z3 and his gf de .
but they nida go out .
so baby alone wait fer me D: .
sorry wor, idk you're alone D:

thn pei baby go home .
till 4+ thn go tm meet harryy they all ((: .
go watch round12 :D .
woots . nice (: .
hahas :D.

thn meet nehneh at sp .
hahas (: .

hmms . baby ily (: .
thn baby pei me homeeeeeeee :D

Thursday, March 26, 2009 Y 11:40 PM

o.o !
stupidd jake tan ! .
tday quaarel with him again ! X.X .
hmms .
today babyy actually fetching me de.
suddenly dunno sae wht tired .
ie jitao shag and dulan .
thn cry in class :X .
aft tht nehneh msg me say he at near my schh .
ie jiu ask him wait me end sch :X .
at firsst say c how . in th end also dunhave !
zz .
thn baby dunno sotsot say he comming :D .:X .

aft tht baby pei me home .
keks. thn my mummy ccokk ! :D.
thn eat tgt (: .

hahas, aft tt ie go wear my contacts .
dhn dunno why veh pain .
thn veh ganchiong and dulan .
baby jiu tak cab , bring mee to tam inter , ask abt th contacts thinggy .

thn tht person say wht mayb th solution not suit my eye .
thn change another pair and plus a solution give me :X .
hahas .
hmms .
(: .

thn meet boy at inter thr , thn tak cab to sempang bedok . to zhenning hse (: .
hahahahs :D .

thn whn reach thr ,
go coffee shop find zhen and weifu first.
hahas .

aft tht go his hse put thingg .
thn go gymmmmmmmm (: .
fun fun fun ~~~ :D

thn aft tht jiu go swim :D !
jacuzziiiiiiiii :D !
shuang worr !:D .

hahahas . thn whn swimming .
ie jitao wtf qu sia .
ie suddenly drown .
thn boy tot is fake de .
thn baby jitao chioong and carry wo .
thn ie cry lyk dog lidat :X .
lols . .

aft tht play in th water :D !
funs ::::::DDDDD !

swim til around 6+ ,
go back zhen hse bath .
waseh 4storey :O .
zhen room dame nice luh :D.
envyyyyyyyyyy x.x

hahas . aft tt they say wan prey .
thn go preyprey yixia .
jiu tak bus to tam meet jiahui they all .
hahas .
thn boy,baby,me at mac eat.
thn th rest at kfc eat -.- .

thn slack til 10+ :x .
thn hais .
quarrel ! .
baby run all th way come find me within 3min .
from tm t my hse .
D: .
whn he go buy drink .
he nvr forget buying me pocky and lolipop D: .
im touch-ed D: .

baby ily , im sorry !!!!!! D: .

byeeeeeeeee (:
loveeeeeS !

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Y 2:37 AM

hms . today wake up .
jitao knee on th floor . :XX .
cuz of th run ytd , and cause me cramps ! :XX
dots .

hmms . thn msg baby ((: .
hhaahs . but he sure still koon-ing de :X .
dots .
reach sch , vehveh hungry . dunno why :O
thn buy tunaa bread eat :D .
toutou eat de wor.
nvr tio caughtttt !
hmms . thn teacher tday tak our ezlink cuz changing t new.
:X .

hmms. thn mt not really listen to wht th teacher talking .
cuz readingg th book tht huipingg lend wo de (:
dame nice ! :33

thn today is talentime .
wah got a group really CMI manz X: .

thn suddenly baby msg say he find tio tht dog !
wtf . dame fucking worry D: .
but aft tht he say tht dog run .
thn boy kue his fren :XX .

hmms. thn aft sch mit baby and boy play badmintonnnnn :D !
im a NOOB ! :X . hehs .
hmms .

thn go 9002 D: .
hais , gonna close dwn le .
3mre days D:.
shag .

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (: .
not muchhh t post ! :D .
muackkkkkkkkkkks :O

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Y 2:34 AM

early in th morningg scare by a cockcroachh :XX .
dots !

thn at schh dunno why so hyper :X .
dots .
hmms .
keepp on saying " she's just a x"
hehs .
abit sot , youmeiyou ((: !

hehs , whn pe run 1.6km aka 2roundd of sch . :X .
though short .
:XXX .
11min++ :XX .

thn whn math periodd D: .
my math fail lah sia !
shagGggggggggggg !
23/50 TT !
hais .
midyear aims : 65 ! zz

aft sch mit baby around 3pluus .
keks .
thn go tmart help calli and xianting buy straw (: .

hmms. (: .
post til hereeeeeeee ~
byeeeeeeeeeeeeees (: .
tkkcares .
lovedardar :D

Monday, March 23, 2009 Y 3:46 AM

wooooooooooooooots .
school reopen x.x
tireddd .!
but dardar got pei me t sch :D .
happyhappy ((:

hmms. thn go mama buyy burger (:
dardar keep entertain wo with his haiyaa .:X .
lols .
ji funny yi xia :X .

thn wait fer mama cum . thn go sch tgt .
hmms .
thn ie saw her .
but we nvr talk .
idk how t talk t her .

thn poa quite fun luh :x.
hmms . thn hmm .
whn recess , ie ask her t go tgt .
hmms .
thn zihui they all say why ie ask her go she stil dragging .
thn ie sae k luhs.
we go first .
ie tel her meet at cannteen .
she say ok .
but in th end ?!
wtf .
keep looking fer her .
and wht ie get is nth + she is with others.
ZZ .

aft sch . mit dardar and boy at tm .
dots , pei boy buy his thingyyy .:X .
thn aft tht they pei me home.
thn ie msg her.
tot she wil not reply .
but she reply . ok tkkcares toos.
o.o , ie bwg .
so , im here in my blog t tel (you) her .
tkcare. since you got YOUR fren .
zz .

hohos. thhn go 505 find dardar they all .
wtf , thn dardar at 77th street buy a braclet , before ie come .
thn is a letter 'D' he give me as my bday present (:
thks dardar :D !
iloveyouuuuuuuuuu ! (:

hmms . aft tht slack at 9002 .
lols (: .

hmms. hope everythingg wil be fine .
YOU go on your life manz.
we're now STRANGER .
dun ever ask me why .

dardar loves :X

Sunday, March 22, 2009 Y 7:01 AM

hais . i really hate seah's family . !
they're really veh fcked up .

whn wake up , mummyy start to nag me whenever ie open my eeye D: .
really dame spoil mood . !
hais .

thn aftnoonn go baby hse .
thn actually eaaaating dinner with z3 they all .
but in th end . nvr .

baby bring me to cs buy contacts :D !
finallyyyyyyyyyyyy :D .
ily !


thkkks !
woaiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnniiiiiiiiiii :D .
:D .
hhaas .
thn meet boy at sp go eat.
hmms . thn saw edwin they al at sp .
thn slackslack .

hmms . thn go 9002 . (: .
hahhas .
but no ppl . cuz zhen they al at chalet:D .

hmms .
baby , thks . iloveyou (:

Saturday, March 21, 2009 Y 2:17 AM

o.o . aftnoon go baby house :D .
dots . thn do CASE worhs :D .
kekks . wan joinn wo mahs ?XD

hmms. thn at night baby meet z3 and joyce aka z3 gf .
thn they going chalet .
shag sia . i cannottt gooooooo D: .

but aft tht i cal my kor . ie ask him to fake my parents i with him .
hehehs .
thn can ton liao manz :D .
bleah =P .

hmms . thn baby they all wait me under blk . i 35 mins lata thn go dwn . :X .
`paiseh uh . let yur wait sooo longggg :D .

hms . thn we tak bus to dwntown luh .
thn saw ivan mummy . junhui erzi . and mummy gf .

anw , happy 21st bday in advance to weifuuuuuu :D !
thn at chalet all drink alchohol x.x

thn joyce ask us go mac talktalk .
hahs .
thn at mac talk alot of craps .
ie kip shouting those funyfuny thinggy .
eg , breast fuckk :D .
hahahas !

aft tht go back chalet .
thn th dunno hu keep asking baby drink . bt ..
iya .
zhongzhi , ie dowan him drink lah .
but aft tht he drink 1 cup
thn ie alr qutie dulan X: .
aft tht he ask him drink somemore .
ie jitao wtf.
thn ie cry :X .
dots .
cuz all maciam blaming me . dun let baby drink .
thn is lyk . WTF luhs :X .

thn nelson keep entertaining lols .
gary toos .
thankks :D .

aft tht ie ok le .
thn we jiu go inside watch show luhs .
but veh noisy :X .

hahas . till 4+ one of their fren drive us home .

baby , im sorry .

nelson , joyce , gary , z3 , xiexienimen :D.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Y 7:14 PM

hoohoos !
early in th morning post :D .
jus meet laopo fer not long ago :D .
haahs , thn go meet baby , hahas .
thn go mark house :D .

hmms . thn mit boy at greenapple :X.
dots .
thn tak bus to 9002 :X .
veh tireddd uhh !!!

hahs , thn pei laopo go home bath first .
till 4 thn go back . hahs .
at first they say 5 wil go th bbq .. end up become 8 ~
wtf . X: .
thn quarrel with baby .
but its my fault. im sorrys .
aft tht , we ok le . ie msg skull abt th money thing .
knn , dame xialan :X .
sorry to say tht. but its true manz.
thn jiu become baby msg him . he say by tday or tmr wil return :X .
lols .
aft tht at thr veh bored . pei laopo walkwalk . buy waffles :D .

hms. awhile . they jiu cal us :X .
dots .
thn finally go :X .

thn reach pasirris stil nid waitwaitwait :XX .
hmms .
finally reach tht bbq , but laopo nid go her chalet le X.x
thn she go le . me and bbaby jiu go over rachel ther sit luhs .
thn got 1 guy walk til veh SPL .
maciam got daiji hurr :x .
lols .
thn we ignore lah .
thn eateateat :X .
hahas .
till 10+ we jiu go le .
thn walk a ulu ulu place.
:X . scaryyyyyyyyyyyy !
hhaas .

thn walk out le . dunno wht happen to nehneh , thn he walk dame fast . and talking on phone x.x
dots. thn we follow behind him luhs .
he say going meet p.. outside prss . actually we following der.
but too late liaos.
so me , bbaby and yuming tak 17 go home .
hehs. thn baby go my hse slackslack :D .
til 1am thn go :D .
ily :D.
maucks .

Monday, March 16, 2009 Y 3:44 AM

hehs .
cook dinner fer babyyyyyyyyy :D !
loveyouuuuu :D .
oreo-ice-blendded :D


shengrikuaile zihuiiiiiiii mushrommmmmmmmm ! :D

Sunday, March 15, 2009 Y 6:47 AM


ahahs , today go cs meet ahkor , leon , mushroom mummy and jackie :D .
hahas , aft tht go food culture eat :D ..
thn wait fer weixin also hahas :D .

aft tht go tak train to pasirris . cuz wan go loyang point de partyworld .
ahkor say his kor say bus no.6 got go. thn we nid tak from pasirris . :X .

thn wait fer th bus no.6 dame FUCKING LONGGGGGGGGGG !
end up realise bus service off :X! dulan !
than go tak cab .. thn is lyk quite late le . dun feel lyk going luhs :X .

thn mushroom heard wht ie said , thn she lyk shagshag :X .
thn whn xin dunno say wht , ie go shout at her :X .
end up whn in cab , me and mushhromm okay , but is lyk xin angryy :XX

whn reached , we go th partyworld .
thn start to sing :X .
lols .
but xin stil lyk angry ..

ie jiu try talk to her , thn she say its okay :D .
aft tht jiu okay le :DDD !

thn order strawberry milkkkkkk teaa :D
haahhas , thn singsingsing :D .

but oly me,mummy and mushrrom toucch th mic :X .
th rest nvr :X .

hmm , thn somehow dunno how . ahkor suddenly whn missing :X .
chuatio ==" .
thn idk wht happen to him, whn he's bck , can c tht he's sad :X .
but if im not wrong sure is becuz of some BITCHES Xx.Xx !

thn jackie pei him at outside . jiu left me,mush,mummy,xin and leon .
hehs ! ie at thr self entertainment + entertain them .
hahas .
take loads photo :D .
hmms .
til around 6+ th ktv ppl come tak th money .
O.O $117.80/=
thn eac person 16.90++ :D .
hahahs , thn aft tht walk to bus stop wan go tm :D .

lols. but suddenly whn me and xin walking infront 'zi-high' tht tym , dunno wht happen behind manx :X .

thn we run bck , o.o mush say ahkor wan slack heree .
thn we pei him nor :D .

thn sit at staircase tak photooooooo :D !
hahas , thn msg baby tel him lata going tm , ask him wan cum .
he say kkays :D ! .

thn around 7.40pm . mummy say she meeting dady at tm 8pm :X .
lols . thn ie jiu tel ahkor .
actually he dowan go de . is jackie pull him up :D .

hahas . thn hmm . tak 39 go bck :X .

finalyyyyyy reach tammmmm :D .
thn saw DUNPENG NUER !!
omfg ! he tall liao lahs ! wtf D: . hahas .

thn talktalk awhile jiu go le .
cuz meeting baby at tm de ljs :D .

ahhas . thn xin they al go toilet
i jiu go up find baby first :D .
hahs , thn ie cal my mama . she ask me go mummum :D .
thn ie jiu nvr follow mush they al :X .

hahas . sorry wor , nxt tym pei your kays :D !
hmms . thn eat le go 9002 :D :D

hahas .
enjoyyyy loads loads today !!!

baby,iloveyou :D
and mushrromm happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyy ^^

Saturday, March 14, 2009 Y 10:49 AM

hoohoos !
finally they're bck manz ! wakaks .
miss your loads hur :D .

hmms , thn baby end work , pei me go penisularr buy skinny :X .
thn too long jiu go alt :X . hahas.

aft tht chiongg bck tam , cuz baby passing smt to ahpoh :X .
thn pei baby go home , wait him change le .
thn go take bus to pasirris , mit keith on bus . :D .

thn whn rch pasirris , jiu go walkwalk . find ahpoh .
thn we go foodcourt mumum .
eat th dunno wht omellet ricccce :D.
nicenice manx ! :D .
aft tht jiu go pei keith pierce .
lols . thn go arcade playy , cuz wait jiyuan :D .
wah today play th bbal de . keep wining sia :X . woots !

hhaas . thn whn jiyuan cum pei him eat agn ._.
lols . thn finaalyyy go to CHALET !

hmms . today go nehneh's chalet with baby , keith they al .
surprisinggglyyyyyyyy ! saw papaa !!!!!! :D !!
omfg lah canx . nehneh change zharbor again x.x bwg ! :X .
ahhas . thn sit at th room watch show . dots.
thn play cards with jiyuan , keith and babyx .
dots, suddenly they say abt buffalo :X .
wtf ! SPOILMOOD lah canx zz . pekcekks !

dots , thn ie aft playing thn hide in blanket D: .
hais , thn aft awhile jiu okay le .

thn jux okae awhile dunnoo whyy got a group of ppl outside .
mostly is gal , thn got ppl ask baby go over .
thn he jus go over . WTF !
ie jitao really feel lyk crying siax ! .

thn til talk to jy and keith they al , i jitao lost controol manx X:
haix , but aft tht okay le :D .

but i gotta say somethingg lah .
"if gals are not sensitive , why are they call gals ?"
:x .

thn awhile , maoo they al come .
lols . thn chitchat with joeyy .
thn th chalet beside us , quarrel sia :X.
wtf , tht guy scold his mum :X !!
zz .
thn we ignore lah :X.

aft tht play shanjie de ipod de game;talktalk;take photo :X.
hms. thn rain -.- !

thn jiu go up chalet luhs .
hahs . thn watch tv agn :X !
hmms .
til 11+ , joey they all go first :X .
thn jiu bored le luhs :XX !

thn th others drink th vonka :x .
ie ask baby whether wan go 9002 not , he say later luhs . ie saae kays :X .
hahhas .

thn suddenly dunno wht happen nehneh and his gf quarrel ?:X .
hmms . thn loads thingg happenn :XX .
nah , aft tht we jiu go 9002 le .
cuz at thr zo bo :X .
hhahas .
hmms .

welcome bckk !! :D .
cya tmr !
loves .

Friday, March 13, 2009 Y 5:51 AM

hhas :D .
actually tot today can sleep laterr de :X .
end up kena wake by th funnyfunny sound :X . wtf :XX . grr .

wakeup around eleven , thn go bath and wait fer jie cal :x.

hahhas , jie bring me and mummy to suntec walkwalk , thn eat andersen's icecream :D
thn go marina :X.
hahas , bought 2 polo :X .
hmms , thn actually wan go peni de . thn jie no tym thn nvr go D: . shag :X .

hais , aft tht go jalan besar thr eat hur .
dame full :XX!

thn jiefuu drive mummy to chupplao .
otw to chup , saw a busstop got no.8 :D.
ahha . thn they drop me thr . cuz ie wan find baby at 9002 :D .
hhahas . hmm :D .

thks fer th polo , icecream and dinner :D .
love your :X .

Thursday, March 12, 2009 Y 4:12 AM

hurr :X .
today MOODSWING day manz :X .

haiz , aftnoon eat le , dunno whyy so tired :XX .
thn around 3+ jiu slp til 6+ :X .
thn actually wan cook fer baby de D: .
but i oversleplt .

its my faut , yet i blame on him D: .
hais , baby im sorry D: .
aft tht i kip anyhow tink and cryy D: !

and ie kip show him my lanjiaoo atti D: .
ie had alr tried my best to change , yet ie cannot D: .
baby duibuqi D: .

idk my word hurt you D: .
'feel so sorry , baby am so sorry , i nvr meant , nvr meant to hurt you D: '
duibuqi .

aft tht ie called him , on phone is stil show him atti D: .
baby dun angry me , im sorry

iloveyou. :X .
muackks. thks .

ahhhhhhs , 2nd day le !
sat your coming back le manz !
miss your de nehneh loads lah ~ :)
faster come back .
BANGS miss your :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 Y 1:49 AM

hoohoos :D
today neveer go school :D !
ie wun be going school til its reopen manz :D .
wkakas :D

so many of them ie got to mis D: .
i miss baby , mummy , mushroom , biantai , cute , shortie , xinxin and ahkor !
omfg , am so boredd whn those gals are at camp D: .

heyy guys ! faster come backk ! me mis your..........de nehneh :D
hahas , aft your come back jiu mushroom bdayy ler :D !
partyworld manz ~!! :D .

hahahs , hope some bastards and bitches wun be thr manz !
otherwise . SPOILmood :X .
hahas .

grr , early in th morning being wake by a lanjiao msg :X .
dunno hu is tht manz .
wtf :X .
dare msg , hum to say hu is he :X . zz

thn til aftnoon . mama buy food fer me :D .
kkeks . thn do myy math homework :D !

so manymany homework lah can !

-maths worksheet :X
-chemistry worksheet :X
-physics 2worksheet :XX
-social studies 2worksheet :X
-POA worksheet :X .
:x .
actually not muchh :X .
hehs .
sians luhs :X .

now oly finish math nia :X . wadd th hackks .
lols .
but hehes , holidayy haven start yet :X .
hmms .

baby hurt himself loads loads wtf :X.
ahdai !
:X .
lols .

wil be missing your kays ! :}.

:D .

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Y 6:44 AM

wtf manz .
today is a badddddddddd day !! :X .
firstly , kpkb with mr seethor .
thn jonathan learn me talk , i kp him :X.

thn , th *** sms kpkb say wht plk all tht .
dame fucking pekcek alr ==" .

thn , whn going recess ie bu xiao xin make xiantingg angry D: .
sorry :X . ahas , aft tht junyong ahkor and her dunno wht happen lah .
thn dame stress !!

moremore worst . th zuyao go slam th door whn im talking t him WTF !

:X .

thn physics lesson . th lj jake tan kpkb at us . thn shout at mushroomm .
wtf sia . X: .

aft sch got mathh common test :X .
dame difficult :X !
thn rch home around 4+ le .
hahas , thn chatchat with baby :D .

hmm , thn finally mit bbaby le :D .
happyhappy :D . ! hahas .

thn slack at 9002 , thn he pei me home :D !
hahahas , baby mucks :D

Monday, March 9, 2009 Y 6:36 AM

ohh please !
im enough of this all fucking nonsense manz ! ==" .

hohos , today at sch dame high :X .
take lotlot photo .
but cannot upload yet :X .
ahhas .

thn til sch end , go home orhorh , wait baby fanggong :X.
lols . til 6+ thn mit him .
thn help mummy tak smt to 445 , aft tht go 9002 with bbaby :D.

hahas . hmm .
thn i wan tak back money from skull ma .
thn i jiu cal someone to get no. from a guy .
wtf tht *** go tel tht guy wht me and ahboy wan tio him ?! .
wtf ! >:[ !

thn manymany problem come out lah fcks . !
aft tht pei zhen they al go mummum til 11plus go home .
dots .

"baby , youu're xinku whn you working . c you lidat ie moremore xinku"
baby , ily :D.
muckks :D

Sunday, March 8, 2009 Y 4:59 AM


hahas , today earlyearly wake up -.-

go help real mummy buy smt .

l0ls , thn bendan laogong come pei me mummum :D !

hahahs .

aft awhile ie jiu gtg le D: .

lols .

thn at home zobo =="

finally time pass fastfast :D .

go bath le , thn go tm meet mummy they all .

lols, mit th stupidd mushroom first :D .

hmm , thn xs come .. thn actually wan c present de .

toilet shot :D

but mummy alr come liaos . ==" .

idk wht th fck i doing :X . lols .

hahahas , aft tht meet milford at mac thr , thn they pei me and xs go eat.


thn go inter walkwalk buy t-shirt :D !

hahas , aft tht tak 21 to pasirris beach :X .

after a longlong travelling ,finally reachh ==" .

lols , so freaking hot , thn walk to the beach mans =D

.photo is fcking funny , yah i noe tht :X .

lols , am retarddd lah cans !

hahas, does it reminds any of th macdonald character :D

finally walk sooo long reach th freaking beach le ,

first , tot can have water funn .

but in th end . we're disappointed mans .

th beach so freaking dirty mans. maciam dunno wht lidat -.-

lols , thn saw manymany funny thing .

shell , starfish :D . o.o

hahahs , aft tht jiu walkwalk awhile at th dirty beachh .

til jiacheng call us go ehub , we thn walk ther .

lols , we walk wrong way , thn dame stupid luhs .

alr so hot we stil walk a longggggggggg way manx :X .

hahas , but enjoyy lahs :D .

aft tht finally reach ehub ==" .

thn mit jc they all at arcarde . hahas , all is shuffle hardstyle de ppl

suprisingly saw perry :X .

hahas , thn aft tht we give mummy surprise .

we all sing loudloud bday song fer her :D .

hahas. aft tht ss nida go le .

thn we go take neoprint :X .

hahas ,

lols , aft tht jiu take bus back . cuz wan mit my bendan laoogonng :D .

walau , whn on bus , a gal , tink she siao de . cum stand beside me keep staring :X .

wtf , so scary manz :X .

ahhas , thn whn she alight daddy go point her _/_

lols . hmm , aft tht jiu alight at ss ther, thn walk to a void deck .

zz actually go tm de . thn dunno why stuck ther.

they at ther do shuffle :X .

thn ie jiu go luhs .

cuz also zobo at ther :x .

hmms. thn walk to baby ther .

thn wa thn talk awhile jiu go le .

saw jc run across th road , aft tht saw junyong ahkor.

hahas . thn at home eat .

baby slack at hse til 11 plus .

hais, suddenly he tmr got work . D: .

sadded D: .

anw , mummyy happybday ! :D . ily :D


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is fifthTEENon300594
griffithsprimary DAMAISECONDARY(:
SHE; `cheerful `super-hyper `friendly `crybaby missJEALOUS♥:D 'singliciousattachedd:D storyystartedon`300109;0826pm &&ilovemyboy"F"((:

hits hateme? Click here.

byebye (: hotmail ; friendster

wishh upon th stars♥

`boy"F",you're th drugs tht make me addicted,ilu ((:
*marry to bendann♥
.get to sec4♥
.get more tops♥
.moremore shorts♥
.everyday be with HIM♥
.new phone♥
.2gb memorystick♥
.pass EL;PoA


♥my bendan laogongg ♥ahboyy BANGS
♥chiumei mummyy
♥calli shortie
♥edwin nehneh
♥dunpengg nuer
♥ivan mummyy
♥huiping cutie
♥joeyy;harry gf
♥junyong ahkor
♥jeffrey laopo
♥junliong daddyy
♥kuankuan laopo
♥sabrina sistaa
♥sheena laogongg
♥vanessa siaozharbor
♥xavier haoopengyouu
♥xiantingg biantai
♥zanna nuer
♥zihui mushroom


Happiness ♥
LOSE WEIGHT ! target 55kg50kg45kg;x

slacking , hang outs , maths:D
with him♥
1stmonth♥ 2ndmonth♥ 3rdmonth♥ 4thmonth♥ 5thmonth♥ ♥6thmonth♥

lets talks cock♥:D

tagg with BIG NAME
spammer please shooo!♥


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