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Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Y 1:08 AM

happy5thmonthbabyyyyyyyy ! ♥
keks , today aft sch , whn home change le ,
immediately meet baby at tm cinema hahas :D .
hmms , thn baby buy 6pm movie ticket .
hmms , aft tht go eat seoulgarden first :DD ! .
hhhaas .
lots of fun at seoulgarden ,
dunoo why tis idiot baby kip staring at me lyk retardded lidat.
hhaas ,
thn eat til 5plus ,
go walkwalk ler , pei bbaby smoke one ciggys .
jiu go GV ler.
hmms .
th show quitenice luh .
nc16 :D .
chaolao enuff ! :D .
bleahs :X .
shorties , dun jealous :D ! jk ((:
hmms . th show most is abt "oral" and "practical"
hmm , stil abit gaygay XX: .
ahahas .
enjoy lots .
around 2hours.
thn go t1 walkwalk ,
today din meet anyone .
hmm . thn baby pei me home and slack at homee :D ! .
babys , ily ♥

Sunday, June 28, 2009 Y 7:25 PM

hais , hmms . today wake up go meet baby and chingkiat at baby hse downstairs .
thn go airport , lols .
hmms . mit xiuqi , gui and zhaoxuan .
hahas .
hmms .


thanks t a angmoh tht took fer us :D

go eat at th airport thr , xudi mama treat .
wtf , total 66.50 :XX .
damm ex , duhhs !

thn go outside pei them smoke ,

no shld say is xudi pei them smoke fer th last stick .

lols say til lyk die lidat .

ie mean .. hmm , iya your shld noe wht ie mean :D
so sad luhs .
whn sending xudi off .
duh . dno why they kip saying ie cry lols , :XX .
but ie did cry anw x.x
hahas .
hmms .
come back soon uh xudi ! .

hmms , aft tht take lorry to parkway walkwalk :XX .
hmms , wei le chingkiat :XX .
ahahs ,
hms .

jus hope tht xudi wil come back soon (: ,
and im fine with my bbay ler .
ily (: .
muckkas ,

`xudi ! , kuaidianhuilai ,
womenhuixiangnide ! .
hhas !

Saturday, June 27, 2009 Y 7:33 PM

hmms . whn teoheng today .

to celebrate fer xudi ((: .

haahhas . enjoy lots .

hmms .

lols , idiotic , take whn am singing :X hahas , whn going back (:

aft singing , whn katong laksa (: .
hahas , damm nice .
hmms , vanessa powerpower , call 2 bowl , but share (: .
hmms . xiuqi th gay moremore power ! .
call 2bowl finish first one (:.

hahhas .
aft tht jiu take bus go back ler .

Friday, June 26, 2009 Y 9:49 PM

hais , it past 4month plus , ytd , jus wanted t let him noe ie wan er ren shi jie .
is tht tht difficult ?! .
wtf , say wht me and her pattern samesame come out .
say wht ie childish .
wtf lah ,
whn ie saw e sms , my tears drop lyk an idiot ,
cutting my hand with an knife , no , ie mean penknife .
but dno why th penknife lyk fck lidat .
nvm , im crying , screaming all over my home .
he noe anot ? .
he dno .
th hurt of those word , he noe anot ?
he also dno .
wtf , im really pissed off .
whn ie alwaaays say brk up, he sure say wht , he dowan confirm ie wan not . etc etc .
wtf . say nanting abit lah hor , if dowan , why wil say ie and her pattern almost th same .
fckoff ,
meiling is dead in this relationship .
whr's th dai ie noe in th past ?! .
while typing , tears keep dropping ,
idk whys ,
yeah , ielovehim alots .
but , ie wil kip asking fer brk is bcuz ie dowan him t sufer ,
but he dun believe ,
feerget it , mayb ie shld sae ,
whtever come out from my mouth is crap to him bah .
whtevr ,
meiling . DEAD .
and , thanks , ie had nvr scream so loud over th phone before,
thanks .
her soul is dead.
why she's born to th world to become such a burden .
if ther's a choice.
ie wil not wan to be a hu
man , anymore .

promise myself not to let my tears drop .
but tht wil be impossible .

sometimes , im thinking ,
ie cry over you so many tym .
had you ever ? .
mayb you did , but idk ?.

1stmonth - happily
2ndmonth - happily
3rdmonth - happily
4thmonth - nothing mucch to talk about .
5thmonth - coming up .
hope it wil be lyk how we're in th first few months .
(: .

if you're sick of me , lemme noe

`no matter wht , ie stil love him alots
D: .

and im sorry , im a spoiler to spoil YOUR day .
whtever !

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 Y 8:31 PM

lols , hais .
nuer , mummy dowan you both go in uhs ! .
lols . hmms .
today go watch `dragmetohell`
wtf :X .
idk why am ie shouting lyk dog , :XX .
hhaas . thtday saw calli and huiping .
omfg . nvr grow taller :XX .
hmms . boringg .
yohoos , they told me XX ugly X: . duhs !

hmms .
drag me to hell is a quite horror movie luhs .
watch with baby . gui . z3 . joyce . (: .
hmms .

Y 12:52 AM

Jeffreyy ! . HappyBdays (: ! .

Friday, June 5, 2009 Y 1:32 AM

hmms. am 15 now mans .
old lerhs .
bday past alr D: .
happybelatedbday and 4th month to myyself .
:D .
anw , blog dying soon x.x , cuz no computer , no lan shop X.x .

keks, anw , happybday to laopo in advvance :D.
nothing much to post .
so.ya . :D.

exams result stil okay , relationship stil stable .
:D .
loveyoubabyy . muckks . :3


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is fifthTEENon300594
griffithsprimary DAMAISECONDARY(:
SHE; `cheerful `super-hyper `friendly `crybaby missJEALOUS♥:D 'singliciousattachedd:D storyystartedon`300109;0826pm &&ilovemyboy"F"((:

hits hateme? Click here.

byebye (: hotmail ; friendster

wishh upon th stars♥

`boy"F",you're th drugs tht make me addicted,ilu ((:
*marry to bendann♥
.get to sec4♥
.get more tops♥
.moremore shorts♥
.everyday be with HIM♥
.new phone♥
.2gb memorystick♥
.pass EL;PoA


♥my bendan laogongg ♥ahboyy BANGS
♥chiumei mummyy
♥calli shortie
♥edwin nehneh
♥dunpengg nuer
♥ivan mummyy
♥huiping cutie
♥joeyy;harry gf
♥junyong ahkor
♥jeffrey laopo
♥junliong daddyy
♥kuankuan laopo
♥sabrina sistaa
♥sheena laogongg
♥vanessa siaozharbor
♥xavier haoopengyouu
♥xiantingg biantai
♥zanna nuer
♥zihui mushroom


Happiness ♥
LOSE WEIGHT ! target 55kg50kg45kg;x

slacking , hang outs , maths:D
with him♥
1stmonth♥ 2ndmonth♥ 3rdmonth♥ 4thmonth♥ 5thmonth♥ ♥6thmonth♥

lets talks cock♥:D

tagg with BIG NAME
spammer please shooo!♥


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